doggy talk (Monday, September 29, 2008)
back from dinner with YT & gang...
left ofc 2day early to mt YT & gang for dinner, in celebration for YT bday, which is in ard < 2hrs time. dinner was set at Sembawang's Sakae Sushi. Initial plan was to visit Admiral Hill, but afraid of it raining, so change of plans.
No photos for the day, as there is nothing to fancy abt for Sakae's food. chit-chat for a few hours. YT was toking alot abt her dog & we also made fun of her dog. As it was a shepherd breed, HJ mentioned that it shld learn to sound like a sheep instead of barking. CK was also mentioning that shepherd can be found in Aus, so it can learn to sound like a kangaroo or hang up on the tree like the koala. All kinds of lame things were talked about this dog, so you can imagine how lame it can go.
i myself like dogs but i can have it at home for my parents dun really like pets at home. another reason is that i dun stay home often, so no one to take care of it. maybe in future if i've got my own home.
as usual, YT was using my phone to search for songs. i on my lappy instead as all the songs on my fone can b found there. since i pass her back her ext hd, she can copy on the spot. after the dinner, it was back home. was watching Nicole on TV. she's so adorable... makes me want to have a baby like her. but i hav no partner yet. so it wun be so soon. anyway, raising a child is not a easy task, especially not for my current mentality & financial status.
ok enuf said... was playing ard with my new look & feel for my blogsite.
blog again...
F1 week (Sunday, September 28, 2008)
just watch finished F1 Singapore GP. Congratz to Alonso... Its abit wasted that Ferrari didn't make it. For Massa, its a mistake by pitstop team, with the fuel pipe still in when he take off from pitstop. For Raikkonen, he crashed with his right front wheel out of shape for racing. Guess it wasn't Ferrari's game. Luckily for Lewis Hamilton, he made it for the 3rd place.
Enuf said for F1. time of update for the past wk.
dinner was done outside with JC & ZS at Curry Favor. While exiting the Cityhall MRT, there is a big crowd. Partly because of the practice session of the F1. Standing at a far side, you can still here the roaring engine of F1 cars. For me, I like the sound but its not a preference for JC. She dun like the screeching sound of the tyres partly because of her childhood experience that leave her a bad memory.
Recorded the sounds, maybe will be my new ringtone. its the 2nd time i'm having meals at Curry Favor. They're specialised in Japanese Curry Cuisine (that explains the name of the restaurant), which are not spicy. We ordered 3 side orders. One of it is Mushroom Fry. Taste good when dipped with the plum sauce. Yummy. The other order was soft-shell crab. Very interesting as it was almost like the shape of the hand. Took a photo of ZS posing with his hand side-by-side with the soft-shell crab. Another side was yakiniku yaki. The beef was chewy & juicy. Not very hard which makes it delicious, makes me think of the beef from the jap restaurant @ M-Hotel. Too bad its closed. I'm wondering if I will get to eat that beef again. For main course, I had minced beef curry, ZS had vegetarian curry & JC had pork katsu curry. Left the place after the meal, as they seems to be closing.
As it was still quite early, we decided to go for a drink. Walk past by Chijmes to check out on this maid bar. The maids can't really make it though. Some pubs were showing the F1 race on TV. JC was saying you get to feel the actual experience as you get to here the actual engine sound. Its good though but our final destination was another place, so kept moving. ZS was mentioning to go to this place supperclub. think we went to the wrong place & tot supperclub is not opened. so wen to this place called Loof instead. They do not hav the usual dat me & ZS usual take. So ordered another type of Whisky. The drink I had, Ballantine, tasted quite close to the usual drink I had. The 2nd drink I had was GummiBear. By this name, it sounded sweet & indeed it is sweet. The top layer was a layer of cream with some burned on top. Dun quite like the layer on top of the drink, so stirred it. tasted better after stirring I find. its like cranberry taste & with milk cream. JC does not hav alcoholic drinks, so she ordered bottled drinks which tasted jus too plain, like plain water. Not cheap for plain water as it was $5. After the drinks was head straight home. Bought supper at Mc for sis, as she's hungry. its crashed to bed for me.
visited Motorshow 2008 with ZC & YY. ZS cudn't make it as he's mting his fren. took lots of photos of cars & of cos beauties. this year there wasn't much of concept cars when compared to 2 yrs ago & this time the exhibition was smaller with the booth all on a single level. still remember that 2 yrs ago was 2 levels. maybe times are bad. But not bad was that we managed to watch the stunt show from Russ Swift & Paul Swift. Indeed, his skills are still there, not failing to disappoint the crowd. Took the video of the whole stunt show, which consumed majority of my cam's batt. Think will get another batt before I go overseas nxt mth.
after the show, we walked 2wards MS for dinner. Along the way, we waited on top of the bridge that links to MS frm Suntec. Saw the F1 cars passed by in seconds. Can't really snapped them in camera, guess they are really too fast. While waiting, I can feel the bridge trembling & I'm not kidding. Its like its going to fall, though the vibration is minimal. but still you can feel it. Think the crowd is jus too much.
dinner was settled at MOF @ My Izakuya. i will say the servicing is too good that the waitress keeps on pouring ocha for us. maybe the diners are not that much yet, as it was still early. alll of us ordered ramen for dinner. taste normal to be honest. not as fantastic as i tot. but think me & YY are same species, we sweat alot. haha... at least i'm not alone. we ordered dessert oso & its been a long time that I ordered something sweet, usual is definitely tastes sour type of dessert. but can't find much, so ordered 1 with fruits in it at least. the ichigo (aka strawberries) tastes sour, the type that will make u alert.
was talking wit YY on the music that they are playing. alot of classics that we heard during poly times. ZC was quiet for the day though. unusual for him to be dat quiet. wondering wats wrong. anyway, left the place after dinner & head home to prepare to watch the qualifying race of F1. quite low-life though to reach home that early.
Maybe thats y i'm drinking while writing this blog. drank a few cups of red wine (can't remember how many was it, 4 or 5 cups i guess) tmr celebrating YT bday. wondering where will the dinner be as she's still haven't decided where to eat. leave it to her to decide as she doesn't want to go town. so see how it goes... blog again...
post for the week (Sunday, September 21, 2008)
Mum is feeling better now. Glad that she's feeling alot better than before.
wore a pink t-shirt that i bought from X-Craft for work. Its not the 1st time i wearing since 1 of my shirt is of pink color. Though my colleagues say that i look different, cos i seldom wear pink. Maybe i should wear my shirt 1 of this days. anyway, was working on retrofitting a script to make it more flexible. at the start of discussion, i started to feel my blood starting to boil. but come to think of it, its nothing worth the boil. the change is really a need. so did the change, currently halfway done. will continue it 2mr.
left ofc sharp, cos gng to Games Convention Asia wit ZC. You can check out the pictures
here. After tat was dinner @ Sakae. Met up wit ZS & JC for dinner. pass JC letters & ZS his DVD writer. Had chit-chat abt Macau trip, wat we gona do & plans. Saw a luggage that says $59 for 25" & 20". Looks nice but too bad they are closed, so came back the following day to get it. Wen home straight after dinner.
Was having flu this morning. Keep sneezing away. I think i should get a flu jab 1 of this days. Bro said he wanted to play Warhammer Online, but there is not much space left. So I help him bought a 1TB hard disk. its cheap now. $198 for a 1TB, hard disk are cheap nowadays... Met up wit JC & ZS at V8 cafe in Bugis Junction. JC passed me her ext hd for mi to copy dramas for her. aft that wen walk walk in Bugis, was trying to find a suitable handphone strap for my fone, but in vain. think i may find it in Macau. aft that, we walk ovr to MS to take a look at the luggage. it was quite striking in color, lime green. i quite like this color. so i took the big 1 & ZS took the smaller 1. took a pic of it.

see how striking it is.
I oso got a collar-sports wear shirt. maybe can wear it 1 of this days. hav been spending alot, partly cud be due to lots of drinking sessions. another will be fren's bdays... there is 1 more in sep & 1 in oct. can't think of wat to buy for them... will try to figure out soon.
blog again...
get well soon mum! (Tuesday, September 16, 2008)
took a urgent leave ytd as mum is still not feeling well. dad came back to sent mum to see chinese physician, after sending workers to the factory. the chinese sensei said something abt ear wax unbalance on both side, which causes her giddy-ness... mum said that if she nvr tilt her head more to 1 side, she's wun feel dat giddy... so help out in doing the housework, hang clothes & sweep the floor.
& surprising, it was the 1st time dat i see my sis do housework, iron cloths & mopping of floor. maybe she realised the seriousness of mum falling sick.
was doing work at home though... finally completed the work which i have been working on for the past few weeks. though is not 100% complete, but its good enough for demo. was also copying movies frm my entertainment hard disk to my new hard disk, finally reaching N-Z... i wonder how long will it take.
anyway chit-chat wit JC over MSN oso. will nid to do sometink for some1, to cheer him up or maybe jus a talk over a cup of beer... jus like wat i'm doing now. drinking kilkenny while typing this blog.
anyway tried Stella Artois ytd, it tastes jus like Tiger... yucks! it will be in my condemned drinks.
Now having Kilkenny, a Irish draught beer. i remember that there is a ball bearing within the can... jus use my swiss knife to cut the can...

in the end, i got 2 cuts from the can... haha sad case... tis wkend will be bz as friday will be gng Game Convention & probably sat gng Super Import Nights...
blog again...
Sunday blog entry (Sunday, September 14, 2008)
Wen to Causeway Point to treat CK for lunch as his bday is 2day. Lunch was at Ajisen Ramen, new branch at causeway point. Me & YT did not had ramen, as we had it earlier on. Instead we had dessert, left on CK & HJ eating ramen. Was talking abt this morning discovery of worms on my plants outside the home. was saying that my mum just pick out the worms & step them & the green juice spurt out, just like YT green tea covering on her sundae... i said it aft her sundae, so she wun feel so disgusted. As usual, CK & HJ were busy talking abt games & YT took my fone busy bluetoothing mp3 to her's.
Initial plan was to watch My Sassy Girl. But Cathay Causeway Point does not have that, so in the end we watch Babylon A.D. Catch my review of the movie
After the movie, we wen to Yakun for some drink. YT wanted to try Cheese dip, so ordered 1 plate. Cheese was quite normal though, not so fantastic & the bread is not so crispy. She left 1st as she meeting her fren, left mi, CK & HJ. HJ was busy talking abt this new online game, Warhammer Online. Keep talking on the various classes available in the game, makes me thinking whether i shld play... will think abt it 1st as it will be like World of Warcraft type of payment.
Left Yakun after dat & wen straight home... was drizzling though... luckily its not a storm. Reach home & see that mum is feeling weak again... so help to do the washing of dishes after my dinner... its been a while since mum falls sick... hope that she will get well soon.
blog again...
a bit long entry... ()
abit long entry for the weekend...
Friday...Did not went for movie, 4Bia. Instead wen for a drink at IndoChine... had dinner at central... after dinner was walking opp of Clarke Quay, where they showcase various big lanterns of the Chinese culture...

after dat, walk along Boat Quay, searching for new drinking place. But nothing attracts us. So we walk back to IndoChine. It was quite a warm night. Soon we walk towards Cavenagh Bridge. There was a close door event. Quite empty though but some babes are there, too bad its close door event. Soon we reached IndoChine. As Kewei is not around, we decided to sit inside the air-con room. No 1 was inside, perhaps maybe its still early. Took some photos of the drinks & food & the candle glass container... Perhaps nothing to do bah... Was trying out my new phone's camera together with ZS. All photos taken frm my phone. Not bad i would say, although tot it doesn't look gd from the phone. Enuf said abt photos... Me & ZS had the usual drink as starter whereas ZC had Koh Samui Island Tea. Though he said the aftertaste wen he 1st had this is very nice, but not for dat day. So he's quite disappointed. my 2nd drink was Green Poison, mixed from Gin & Mint & Lime Juice. ZC commented that it tastes like medicine. But i think likewise, maybe he dun like the taste of mint. ZS had Ciroc vodka... I find the taste more towards Gin rather to vodka... For the 3rd drink i had Peach Fizz... taste like fruit juice... yucks... no taste of alcohol in it. ZS had Vodka red bull while ZC's 2nd drink was White Russian. Think he find this drink good maybe of the coffee taste in it. We also ordered food. vege spring roll with prawns in it i would say. taste not bad, maybe becos of the chili. as it was not filling, we ordered 1 plate of fries. quantity-wise its more worth it than the spring roll & dipping it with mayonnaise taste good. pple, you shld try it. after the drink, it was back home.
think i was hungry, so ordered 1 Ramly burger at the pasar malam beside causeway point. was watching shows in the night & dozed off to sleep.

my starter drink...

Green Poison in the dark...

Peach Fizz

the vege spring roll

ZS & ZC laid back on the couch...
Saturday...Mum did not feel well this morning... vomitted & had a spinning head. brought her to see doctor in the morning... doc say maybe she's feeling heaty. she got a jab & had some medication... so it was stay home saturday to take care of her... do housework & clothes hanging...
JC msn mi say that the baby girl i find cute is actually her friend's friend's friend's sister's baby... so cute... she also commented if i wan to haf such cute baby, i nid to find a girl who has big eyes... well... tats one of the criteria in the looks i would find for my GF perhaps....
Sunday...Mum's feeling better today. at least she can move around freely & not lie alot on bed... Glad that she felt ok...
will be gng out to causeway point celebrate CK's bday... shld be watching My Sassy Girl after lunch... so will blog again later...
thurs 11Sep08 (Thursday, September 11, 2008)
wake up in the morning & realize my thumb is painful... its those type of pain when you bend your thumb. usually will happen when you got hit by a basketball. pple who plays basketball will understand my pain now. though its painful, i still went for gym... hopefully it dun get worse tmr...
today at least i felt satisfaction in my work... its been a while since i had that feeling. so happy when you are stuck with doing a portion of the work & now its working... its like a parent, seeing your children grow up....
recently i started to watch TV again... because of the baby girl in the drama (奶爸百分百) who attracts me... the baby girl is so cute when she smile... jus wondering will i hav such a cute baby next time... or will i hav 1?
anyway, been reading a book (Tokyo Tower). now its coming to the climax & also near to the ending... the climax, unfortunately, is not happy though. instead its sad.
i actually watch the Jap drama 1st, then the movie followed by now the book.
i highly recommend this book & if u guys want it, do let me know.
tmr mayb watching 4Bia, see how it goes tmr as i'm free w/o appts...
blog again...
trip in Oct (Wednesday, September 10, 2008)
ok, my holiday trip for this year will be ... Macau!!! Though its not a long trip , but nevertheless, its out of singapore, so i won't mind dat much. 1st time doing online booking which is quite interesting. tis time round, everyone gets to do something for the trip, JC air tickets, mi hotel & ZS insurance.
can't wait for Oct to come... in the meantime, i will need to save up abit of $$$...
now i can plan for another trip next year. perhaps to taiwan again, since i quite like the place there.
blog again...
long entry for the week - part 3 (Sunday, September 7, 2008)
ok start of the 3 part of the blog.
friday was the usual drinking session. but before that wen over to shaw house to get Isetan voucher that comes with the LCD TV that was purchased earlier this last month. worth $200 of vouchers, think will make good use of it when its Christmas time. come to think of it, i still have some Metro vouchers.
met up wit ZS at Isetan. after collection of voucher, we went over to Heeren's HMV. plan to find some CDs there. in the end, i bought 3 CDs from Diana Krall's previous albums, cost $50 in total as they having promotion of 3 for $50.
left HMV after making payment at the counter & proceed to central. mt up wit JC. she got the queue number as 207. when we reach the restaurant, it was tremendously long queue. once we reached, we waited for the table while JC starts to describe the tentative places for travel. i think high chance for the travel location will be Macau. Some photos taken of the dinner.

Dinner at Waraku

This is wat I had, with 1 bowl of Udon & beef in the cooking process & a egg for mi to pour over the beef.

JC dinner, quite small portion though.

Salmon & roe salad. with wasabi in it. taste good!!!

ZS Dinner. If you think it is small, you are wrong. look below!

See how big the bowl is!!! ZS can even dip his head in.
the trip has to be confirmed by ZS date. Will know whether we are going by later, after ZS's visit. aft dinner wen ovr to Jazz@Southbridge. had 3 drinks (Johnny Walker Green Label double shot, Harvey Wallbanger & Tequila Sunrise) which make me concuss in the train. i even tapped on someone beside me, thinking it was ZS. but actually its not him, cos he alighted which i missed it. quite embarrassed though that i continue to sleep. reach back home, had a shower & gone with the bed. tats for the day.
saturday had to meet up wit ZC for billiard session. we had bowling 1st, as ZC suggested. played 2 games but quite amazed with the guys playing beside us, damn pro. almost strike or spare for every frame. check out the scores mi & ZC attained, 88 for both of us. sounds lucky. which indeed is, i strike 4D again dat day. $6 though. well better than nothing.
after playing 4 2 games, we went upstairs for billiard. had ard 5 matches b4 we made a move, as i'm meeting my pri sch frens for dinner at paragon's 鼎泰丰
we had 小笼包 & fried rice & noodles. the 小笼包 is not that fantastic, maybe because the soup within it is not so hot. i would like it more if it much more warmer. think maybe i should find 1 day & go back to the Chinese restaurant at City Hall. they have lunch buffet for dim sum. more worth it i will say.

2 小笼包 are missing. tats fast.

pudding as dessert.
after the dinner, we meet up wit CK fren. it was raining tat night. quite heavy when we make our way towards Centrepoint. aft meeting up wit CK frens, we decided to go back to Balcony @ Heeren. i had the usual (Johnny Walker Black label on the rock). was chilling there for some time until i saw this guy who looks familiar. its Ramesh frm our same pri sch. its like a small world afterall. took a photo together & he went back to his frens. it was back hm on CK frens car aft dat.
sunday was a busy day. wake up in the morning & i was transferring songs to my HP. at the same time was transferring movies out from my entertainment HD to my ext HD, as it is not detected by my PC. So no choice, hav to do it the hard way. aft copying for the whole afternoon, decided to go for gym, since i did not go for this wk.
wen wit ZS for gym. along the way, met JingNa at CWP. She said she jus saw YongHui awhile ago. i bid goodbye & make my way to the gym. i would say it is really a small world afterall (i think i getting naggy, 2nd time i use this phrase. oh my, its 12.27 am on my lappy's time, better end fast & get some rest)
gym 2day was quite empty, maybe pple tends to rest on a sunday. saw a familiar face from the Kallang gym. aft the gym, i pass ZS 3 of Olivia's CD & he pass me back Mari & the 3 pups movie. aft that was back home.
wen to bought some fruit juices that i used to mix drinks awhile ago. use mango juice wit vodka. maybe i did not put in much vodka, so it tastes very "mangoish". hand it over to my sis as i did not know whether she can take high alchohol drinks.
i mixed for myself a guava vodka. this time round wit more vodka. tastes not back. still have some remains of the vodka taste. was watching CHANGE while drinking it & having sushi also.
ok better stop for now. it 12.32 now. better catch some rest or else i catch a flu tmr again.
blog again...
long entry for the week - part 2 ()
ok now i'll continue with the next part of the blog.
thursday was having my IPPT test from my RT session. i felt that i may not make it because my SBJ cannot make to the passing mark, when i did the trial station last week.
left ofc as usual, ard 4 to khatib camp. when i reach there, i realised that there is a super long queue. heard frm my colleagues that i should go early on test dates because pple will be queuing very early. & indeed, the queue is damn long. i tot i was early, but there are pple who came even early.
but lucky, i manage to pass with silver. had been aiming for silver actually. i earned $200 for getting silver though. not bad for me. but before the money is credited to my account, i already spend half of it on 1 night. bought blank DVDs, 杨宗纬 concert DVD, 2 T-Shirts & some snacks.
ok continue the next portion soon...
long entry for the week - part 1 ()
there is a lot to blog for the wk, so i divided in 3 parts. Tuesday was watching Wall-E with ZS. Catch my review of the movie
here. Before the movie accompanied ZC to World of Sports at Cineleisure, as he wanted to buy a new swimming trunks & i jus got the membership card recently. I myself was looking for gym gloves, but it seems it out of stock, only left Nike brand, which i dun really like the design.
After dat wen around doing window shopping, and i bought a lighter with 秦始皇 craving. (will upload the picture later) Quite interesting but the lighting up of the flame is still the olden way. Saw some accessories at some stalls but think i will hold the urge of buying a new one, since i got a few recently. Need to save up money.
After dat, ZS came & we settle our dinner at LJS. after dat ZC left, as he watched it alrdy. Quite enjoy the movie. Hey pple, go & watch it if u haven't cos its a nice movie. aft dat left for hm.
continue with part 2 & 3 later... time to go for gym...
fast Monday blues (Monday, September 1, 2008)
jus came back frm plaza sing, wen to get pressie for william wit JC. hope he will like it. i signed up for world of sports member, got a mizuno duffel bag, columbia water bottle & a pair of socks. i like the duffel bag more, maybe i like the brand. tried fitting my laptop in & its able to fill in, but in a slanted way. better than nothing though.
anyway earlier this morning was really blue. jus came out of toilet hav to help out in some phone issue. aft that receive call frm customer with some prob on a prdt. aft dat wen to visit another customer, trouble-shooting again & installation. aft dat, wen to collect my 4D winnings frm the nearest singapore pools, not much though cos i bet using IBET. aft dat was back to ofc.
was clearing someone's mess that can be avoided. anyway, thr goes my morning for the day. by the time i had lunch, it was 2pm. dun mind the late lunch though cos i wun nid to queue too long for food & seats. had the usual fish noodle at amoy.
aft dat, back to doing work... tis time help my colleague to do some setting up of computer. 1 PC & 1 personal laptop. dun mind doing it, maybe i was in gd mood.
aft dat was almost 5pm... oh man! i did not do much work for the day. can't believe time passed so fast. haiz... hope i can do some work tmr.
will blog again!